About Us


The National Guard Bureau Publication Management Center, or ‘print plant’ as it is more widely known, was established at Camp Keyes in June 1953, as a printing plant for checklists and other component forms exclusively. Over the years the plant has grown and shifted responsibilities. It now prints all of the forms and duplication requests for the entire National Guard, consisting of all 54 states and territories.

The purpose of this web site is to make National Guard Bureau publications and blank forms available in electronic format. This publications library web site is created and maintained by the NGB Publications Management Center, ARNG-CSO-FBP. The Mission of the Publications Management Center is to be the most cost effective and responsive center for publication, reproduction, storage and distribution management of National Guard information products and advertising materials using their expertise and advancing technologies. Our Vision is to provide innovative and efficient services to our clients, now and into the future! If you cannot find a National Guard publication, blank form or other related product please feel free to contact us. Our organizational email is ng.me.mearng.list.ngbpdc@army.mil. If you have specific questions, you may contact the specific department manager listed below: 


  • For questions regarding the Publications Management Center as a whole,
    please contact Mrs. Rachel Dufour at (207) 430-5635 or rachel.a.dufour.civ@army.mil
  • For questions regarding Historical Prints and shipping specific questions,
    please contact Ms. Crystal Ryder at (207) 430-5809 or crystal.r.ryder.mil@army.mil



In The News

Print shop supports entire National Guard
The National Guard Bureau Publications Management Center is a printing operation that conducts its business on Camp Keyes in Augusta, Maine. Since its opening in 1953, the print shop has been fulfilling the printing needs of the Army National Guard.  Read More.....
Small print shop makes big impression
AUGUSTA, Maine - In a building located slightly behind the United States Property and Fiscal Office with the same worn down brick façade, stands the largely unknown print plant, with a small team of dedicated civilians and soldiers who work together to produce documents for the entire National Guard. Read More.....